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I'm am the photographer

Hi my name is Lance Scott


For many years i've had a passion for photography starting at 15yrs old when I was still in school,

A teacher I had Mr. Robison whom had a dark room in the classroom,

This is when the passion started, showing us the process of photography from capturing the photos to the devolplment process,


Over the years I have taken photos and started to see things beyond the pictures, and seeing the things overlooked by many of us.


When I traveled in the Australian outback I really pick up the passion and took more and more photos and starting seeing things in a different mindset and then things really took off,


With the modern technology taking over we now have the tools that gives me the aid to explore this in more details and now taking the passion to reality,


Many times as I’m driving the old road train across Australia I always had the phone and camera at hand for the sights not seen by most people, the sunsets and sunrises over the horizon and every now and then you would pull up and see nothing for miles except a windmill or the old ruin building and putting the camera in hand, for more memories.


Now after all these years,

I now have taken the next step to following my dream and now doing this as a job not hobby,


Over the past year or two I have played more with the concept that not all photos are the same and you can take the ohh into the wow factor, and again the past few years technology taking the next step I now have this all within my grasp.


Now this experiences that I have had is now used for your photos and for the memories to be bold and away from the normal photos most people would take, im now looking at taking this to the next step and placing my mark in the photography world,


Art form is seen in different ways and everyone loves art its learning the personality the client has and delivering the result that complements them.


My goal is to do this with comfort and cost savings to my clients

 Lance Scott




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